Meeting needs, Muffling wants
From Matt 6:24-33, John Wesley uses this text to teach Christian the spirit of simplicity, which is to give away everything beyoind the basic necessity of life. He himself is also a example of a man who escaped the grip of materialism and refused to bow to the god of money. When he was making 30 pounds as a minister, he would use 28 pounds and give the rest away. Later on in his ministry, when he starts writing books, he makes 1400 pounds. However, he still spends 28 pounds and give the rest away.
Passages to meditate on:
Matt 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you as well.
John 4:34 'My food', said Jesus, is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.
To consider as well : Psalm 27:4 Luke 10:42 Philippians 3:13
Therefore, armed with the above, there are several keys to simplicity.
7 keys to simplifying our lifestyle
1. Buy for Utility value rather than for Prestige
Does this mean we cannot buy branded goods? No, just be sure we are buying for quality and not for status.
2. Develop the Habit of Giving Things Away
3. Beware of Modern Advertising
4. Stop Impulse buying
It may seem buying a $100 dress for $50 is a good idea but the question is, do we really need what we buy?
5. Eat Sensitively and Sensibly
6. Enjoy Things without having to own them
Rejoice with others when are are blessed without feeling that God must grant us the same blessings.
7. Enjoy nature and See God in It
Not all things need to be electronic. Many good things in life are free: such as fresh air, sunshine, beaches, hills, trees and flowers. God has created all thses for us to freely enjoy.
GK Chesterton said, "there are two ways to get enought. One is to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less and less." Let us all resolve to live simply so that others may simply live.
Labels: Financial Wisdom, Values