Friday, December 28, 2007

Bank deposit interest rates in Singapore

After learning about compound interest, I been keeping a look out for bank interest rates in Singapore. This link show the bank deposit interest rates in Singapore.

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Monday, December 24, 2007

Wishing you a blessed Christmas !

While working on my financial wisdom, I realised that the most important thing is the process that takes priority before the end result. Though we wanted to invest and reap that investment as much and as soon as possible, the process of growing, waiting, reaping & utilising the fruit of the investment to expand God will is important to me as well.
Thus I wish all believers and readers a blessed Christmas as we celebrate the reason for this occasion !

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Christian Approach to Investment

It been quite some time that I been writing at this blog as I was away for some trips. But I have picked up something during the trips.

From the parable of the talents (Luke 19:L11-27), Jesus makes it clear that He expects us to be a good steward of the time, talents etc that He has given us. Therefore as stewards in our finance, we are to let them grow or yield dividends.

5 considerations in investing are offered here:

1. Ability

It is important that we do not invest what we don't have (Don't borrow to invest). It is also better not to invest at all than to invest what we cannot afford to lose.

2. Security

Prioritise the protection of your capital 1st, increasing profits comes later. Protect what you cannot afford to lose.

3. Liquidity

It is a good idea to have a significant percentage of the investment to have a fair degree of liquidity so that they can be convertedto cash for God's work and His purpose.

4. Profitability

Ask the question, "will the investment yield good returns?" Seek to grow your financial education 1st before investing. Read and ask.

5. Suitability

Is the investment, to the best of our knowledge, socialy sound and morally uplifting?
I use those considerations in my financial planning recently. While it is tempting to buy into the market now. It is better think through the process before jumping in.

Have a blessed day!
