Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year !
Happy Chinese New Year ! This week is the festive season for all chinese around the world and the greeting 'Gong Xi Fa Chai' had the connotation for prosperity. For a believer, is it fine to be wealthy - it is fine to be rich? I have come across one who stumbled that Christians cannot be rich. We have to be clear of God's word for us. Recently, I come across a article for Jay Peroni which I attached below for you reading pleasure.
From a Biblical Perspective, Is it OK to Seek Wealth?
Written by: Jay Peroni on January 5, 2009 8:00 PM
If You're Going to Quote the Bible, Get it Right!
We have often heard the 1 Timothy 6:10 misquoted by many. Many reason "money is the root of all evil". Yet they neglect to include the three most important words in that verse "the love of". It is when we love money that it becomes evil. When we put money above God than it becomes a bad thing.
Money when used properly is a blessing! Have you ever noticed that most of the great men of the Bible were fantastically wealthy? Coincidence? Hardly! Well, what about the Rich Young Ruler? Why did Jesus tell him to give up all his worldly possessions and follow Jesus? Why do Matthew, Mark, and Luke conclude, "It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?" So is pursuing wealth good or bad?
The First Question
Why are you accumulating wealth? This is the central question to determine if pursuing wealth is good or bad for you. You see...it all starts with your attitude. Money is morally neutral. Your attitude reflects what is truly important to you. Pursuing wealth can be a good or bad thing based solely on your attitude or reason for accumulating.
You may be struggling financially so pursuing wealth is merely a way to survive as you struggle paycheck to paycheck. Well...what if you have a surplus? Shouldn't you be giving it all away? Why should you continue to accumulate wealth when so many people need help?
The Answer
God gives us the answers to almost every question we have in His Word. First, let's look at a few reasons why you shouldn't accumulate wealth:
* Accumulating wealth because the world tells you to. Financial planners tell us to invest for our future. Well what about today? Why are you investing in the first place? Seek good counsel, but look at the purpose and motivation behind your money.
* Accumulating wealth because of greed or envy. Wanting more and more is an endless game. Trying to keep up with the Jones is just foolish. Envy is not a part of God's plan for your life. Wealth is not a game. He that accumulates the most things does not win. Have you ever seen a U-Haul going to the cemetery? As a manager for God, we will all stand accountable before him to justify our financial management. We should all long to hear the words, "Well done good and faithful servant!"
* Accumulating wealth to increase your power, self-esteem, or self-worth. If you correlate accumulating wealth with your self-esteem, this is a dangerous road. Self-worth is found only in Christ. No amount of wealth on earth will ever satisfy or fulfill you. Money and happiness do not go hand in hand. Contentment in Christ goes beyond this world.
* Accumulating wealth because for protection. This world offers no guarantees. Wealth comes and goes. No amount of money can protect you from sickness, from injury, from losing it all. True protection is tied to your personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Do you know Him as your savior/ Do you have a relationship with him?
So I Shouldn't Pursue Wealth?
So now that we've looked at reasons not to pursue wealth. Why in the world should you pursue wealth? What are some God-honoring reasons to accumulate wealth? What are the requirements of a proper, godly wealth accumulation attitude?
God's Word gives us a response: use wealth to build his kingdom. In other words, use wealth to be able to give more freely, more generously, and more cheerfully. Just as Romans 12: says "let him give generously...". Wealth with a purpose is not only biblical, it is what God desires for His people. Now don't hear me wrong. I'm not saying God wants all of his people to be rich. What I am saying is that God desires us to be willing to seek out the needs of others with the heart of God.
Some questions for you to consider:
What has God entrusted to you?
What has He given you the ability to do with His wealth?
How do you reinvest His investment in you?
Do you use it for your own good or do you use it to help the Kingdom?
So why accumulate wealth? It's all a matter of your attitude!
Labels: Financial Wisdom