Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What is Financial wisdom?

A story was told of a cunning but dishonest servant who was about to lose his job. He called in his master's debtors and started reducing their debts. The master, instead of punishing the servant, commended him for being wise. Some of us has a problem with this parable. How can dishonesty be commended? What is the lesson of this parable ? This parable teaches us a basic lesson - relationship is more important than money. Use worldly wealth to gain friends for the Kingdom of our Lord, friends whom you can help to send to heaven.

A wise man said - 'Be wise! There are two things that will last for eternity - the Word of God and the souls of men. Use money to send these souls in advance to heaven! The bank in Heaven does not transact in money but in souls. In the years to come, focus on reaching your community! Be generous when it comes to spending money on the lost because it is the wisest thing to do with your money.'



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